3 research outputs found

    Avatars Going Mainstream: Typology of Tropes in Avatar-Based Storytelling Practices

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    Due to the growing popularity of video games, gaming itself has become a shared experience among media audiences worldwide. The phenomenon of avatar-based games has led to the emergence of new storytelling practices. The paper proposes a typology of tropes in these avatar-based narratives focusing on non-game case studies. Suggested tropes are also confronted with the latest research on avatars in the area of game studies and current knowledge of the issues concerning the player-avatar relationship. Some of the most popular misconceptions regarding the gameplay experience and its representation in non-game media are exposed as a result of this analysis. The research confirms that popular culture perceives gaming experience as closely related to the player identity, as the latter inspires new genres of non-game narratives

    Methods for designing strategic narratives in the description of the 2022 Russian-Ukrainian war in documentaries

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    The article discusses methods of designing strategic narratives in teledocumentaries created by various production teams and distributed through the YouTube platform. The authors underline the important role of teledocumentaries in creating an emotional and intellectual response to geopolitical topics among television viewers and attempt to analyse six documentaries focusing on the current war in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine key narrative patterns that are presented by production teams from various countries in the context of the armed aggression of the Russian forces in Ukraine. From this research, we can outline three main narrative templates: identity issues (“Us” vs. “Them”), temporal cognition and feeling of “stopping the time”, the image of enemy inter-twined with death, unforgiveness and fear.The article discusses methods of designing strategic narratives in teledocumentaries created by various production teams and distributed through the YouTube platform. The authors underline the important role of teledocumentaries in creating an emotional and intellectual response to geopolitical topics among television viewers and attempt to analyse six documentaries focusing on the current war in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to determine key narrative patterns that are presented by production teams from various countries in the context of the armed aggression of the Russian forces in Ukraine. From this research, we can outline three main narrative templates: identity issues (“Us” vs. “Them”), temporal cognition and feeling of “stopping the time”, the image of enemy inter-twined with death, unforgiveness and fear

    Rozedrgane serca fanek, czyli jak pisać z pasją o fandomie Recenzja książki Fandom. Fanowskie modele odbioru Aldony Kobus

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    Recenzja monografii Aldony Kobus pt. Fandom. Fanowskie modele odbioru. Recenzja składa się z: omówienia dyskursu badań nad fanami, analizy metodologii zastosowanej w pracy, streszczenia poszczególnych rozdziałów oraz komentarza końcowego